Menstrual cycle begins with most girls at the age of 12, but can start from the age of 8, so it's important to talk to the girls from an early age to make sure they are ready before the big day.
Many parents feel that talking about menstrual awkward, especially with the girls before the teen who can feel embarrassed easily.
One way to avoid embarrassment is to answer questions and to seize the opportunities when they appear.
Age-appropriate to talk about the menstrual cycle
"Often parents ask about the right age to talk with the girls about the start of the menstrual cycle, and I would recommend that they should be an ongoing process rather than a formal meeting to talk. You can use the TV ads or buy sanitary pads in the supermarket, for example, to start a conversation with the girls about menstruation. or simply ask your daughter what you know in advance and start from this point.
"Use plain language and understandable, whenever possible, such as the vagina, even though you may feel uncomfortable to use these words.
"Asserted that menstruation quite ordinary and normal condition, and it is part of growth and that all women have the condition.
"And do not forget the boys. They also need to learn more about menopause. Talk to them in the same way that you use with the girls about the practical aspects, moods and changes that can come with menopause, and why biodiversity beyond menopause, keep them that the undertaking and will also help them to understand what is going through girls each month. "
Questions that girls ask about menstruation
Here are some questions you might ask them girls about menstruation As a parent, with suggestions on how to answer them:
How do I know that I have a menstrual cycle will begin soon?
Of the signs that indicate that your period will start is the growth of pubic and underarm hair you have. Menstrual cycle usually begins nearly two years after your breasts start to grow and nearly a year after the start of vaginal discharge white. The average age of the girl at the start of the first menstrual cycles of about 12 years, but it varies from person to person.
How do I prepare for the first menstruation?
Talk to your mother, or any adult you trust about what you can expect before it actually happen. Begin to carry sanitary pads or tampons in your bag early so that when you get your period at the end of the day you will not have to look up to do any other. If you find yourself in school without sanitary towels or tampons talk with the teacher or the school nurse. They are used to ask them to do so and will want to help.
How much time will the first menstruation?
May not last the first menstrual period is too long because your body can take some months to get into a regular pattern. As a general rule, once stability, you will have menstrual cycle every 28 to 30 days, and will last between three to seven days.
How much blood will you lose?
Amount may seem large, but it is equivalent to about 3-5 large spoons only. It's not a sudden influx, you will see a spot with a reddish-brown color on your clothes or cloth on your bed when you wake up in the morning.
What if the menstrual blood leaking through my clothes?
Dealing with embarrassing incidents is part of the transformation into a woman. There are ways to cover the spots until you can change your clothes, such as linking blouse around your waist. Stay on the jeans or pants at school or in your bag, and avoid wearing shorts or skirts light-colored during the menstrual period, so as a precaution only.
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