
What is puberty?

At some point between the ages of eight and fourteen, your body will start to be exposed to many of the concrete changes, and knows this shift puberty, puberty is an essential component in order to become mature woman and happens every girl ... but it does not happen all at the same pace.

What is delayed puberty?

When some of the girls, do not show the first signs of puberty at the age of fourteen, and this is called delayed puberty, and mainly occur due to genetic causes, but can also be caused by stress, illness or bad eating habits.

Do not feel embarrassed if adulthood began with your friends and did not start with you have, the whole it comes to the ideal time for you.

How it affects puberty?

While growing up to become young woman, your body changes completely and becomes more length and weight and the appearance of the female body shows more clearly! The first change, which is likely to notice is breast growth - but this is not always the case:

 The growth of breast when some of the girls happen early beginning of the age of nine, while it is too late occurs to the others to reach the fifteenth age, you will notice hair growth gradually in new places from your body. Your body will start sweating more, become more oily skin and pimples show.

Overall, after two or three years from the appearance of the first signs of puberty, you can expect the occurrence of menstruation for the first time.

Often waiting anxiously this natural phenomenon occurs, at this point, your body actually becomes the body of a woman, you are now able to have children.

Puberty also affects your emotions ...

little girl? Did not  you return as well, a woman? Not yet ! Adolescence is such exotic stage between puberty and maturity, as your body slowly turns into a woman's body, it is natural that such a large physical transformation brings significant psychological changes: your emotions becomes more mature and begin to take shape your character.

You will feel at times the feelings you do not understand, it is possible after you move from the state of happiness to state of anger, aggressive or sad for no reason, do not worry. 

This is a natural emotion, which is the so-called syndrome premenstrual. Click here to know more about premenstrual and know tips syndrome part useful for feel feeling better about this time of the month.


- Puberty changes are completely normal, they are simply part of growing up!
- Do not compare yourself with your friends, every girl live this experience differently.
- During this time, you need to take care of your body and keep it refreshed and clean at all times


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