Vaginal infections after having sex

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Vaginal infections are serious problems affecting most women and their causes vary before marriage after marriage. Women suffer after marriage either as a result of sexual contact or pregnancy.

Vaginal secretions are normal and are usually secretions in the form of liquid white light and smell acceptable, secreted by the cervix to maintain the cleanliness of the vagina. When the color and smell of these secretions indicate that there is inflammation in the vagina. You should pay attention to this and consult your doctor immediately if there is any change in the color and smell of secretions or feel pain or itching in the vaginal area, and treat these infections appropriately.

Vaginal infections during intimacy

This type of inflammation occurs as a result of sexual intercourse with your partner; due to the transmission of infectious diseases, which affects the general health of the body especially the vagina.

Vaginal infections that are transmitted as a result of sexual contact


Symptoms of this type of inflammation are the presence of green vaginal secretion of yellowish smelly, and the presence of itching and vaginal irritation and pain in the practice of intimacy.


Antibiotics, and this type of infection can be prevented by conducting tests for your partner to ensure that he is not infected with any infection, which prevents the transmission of any diseases or fungi that cause inflammation.

Vaginal infections in pregnancy

Vaginal secretions are secretions in the form of a light white liquid with an acceptable smell secreted by the cervix to keep the vagina clean. These secretions usually increase during pregnancy; as a result of increased blood flow to the cervical region, which increases its production of secretions. However, vaginal discharge may indicate vaginal infections if they are of a different color and odor than normal.
There are several vaginal infections that may affect the pregnant woman, including:

Bacterial vaginitis (BV)

A significant proportion of women suffer from bacterial vaginosis, or what is known among BV specialists. These infections result in excessive growth of intrauterine bacteria as a result of pregnancy-induced hormonal changes. It is characterized by vaginal discharge of grayish color, accompanied by itching and pain in the vagina. The risk of this type is that it causes premature birth or the birth of a low-weight child.


Doctors often prefer to treat it during the second trimester of pregnancy through antibiotics.

Yeast Infection

This inflammation is caused by a type of fungus living in the womb, where levels of estrogen and progesterone increase during pregnancy, making it increase leading to inflammation. It may occur as a result of taking antibiotics or sexual intercourse.


It is treated by placing creams or using vaginal suppositories or oral medications.

Inflammation of bacteria

Many women suffer from inflammation of bacteria or GBS that live in the vagina, intestine or rectum, and symptoms of these infections pain and burning when urinating.


This type of infection is treated by antibiotics, and there is no way to prevent it.

Prevention of infection from other types of infections:

1 - Wear cotton underwear that allows the vaginal area to breathe, and wear comfortable clothes, and avoid wearing tight trousers, with a concern to change underwear when sweating.
2. Do not wear underpants.
3. When you finish entering the bathroom, wipe the area from the front back.
4. Do not use vaginal shower.
5. Use a female condom or tell your partner to use a condom when exercising intimacy, if you do not want to have a pregnancy.
6. Get the necessary vaccinations if advised by your doctor, such as vaccinations that protect against HPV, as well as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or sexually transmitted infections.
7. Avoid using odorless bath products, deodorants, or scented towels.
8. Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
9. Eat yogurt to prevent vaginal infections. Yogurt contributes to maintaining the balance of healthy bacteria in your vagina.
10 - Reduce the intake of sugar and eat complex carbohydrates and whole grains.

Source; supermama


1 comment:

Alina Vlad said...

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