symptoms, causes and treatment of incontinence

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪The symptoms incontinence for women‬‏What is Incontinence:

If you have incontinence, you have a leak in the urine by mistake, and that happens when you cough, sneeze, or laugh, or can not get to the toilet in time, incontinence can make you feel embarrassed

Incontinence types:

You can divide incontinence in general into the following types:

  • Stress: leakage of urine during coughing, sneezing, sports training or weight lifting or failure of any other action to put pressure on the abdomen and in this way to put pressure on the abdomen, resulting in a payment of urine from the bladder
  • Incontinence emergency: stems urine result of a strong motivation to go to the bathroom, and women face difficulties in urinating on their way to the bathroom control and feel the presence of weakness in the bladder, and can urinate intermittently, and it happens in every half an hour, one of the most seamless types of polycarbonate common We can deal with the situation of medical drugs

    Lack of ability of the bladder to empty the urine fully discharged, gather urine in the bladder until the amount reaches the maximum degree of absorption, and then the urine begins to flow

    • Incontinence diverse: sometimes causes a series of factors, it could happen as a result of chronic inflammatory and painful in the bladder, and women with inflammation urinate several times a day may feel embarrassed an infected woman hesitate on the bathroom

    The causes of incontinence:

    - Urinary tract infection
    - Irritation or infection of the vagina
    - Severe constipation, a fecal impaction, which affects the urinary tract and prevent the flow of urine
    - The side effects of some medications, diuretics example of that which is that transport fluid from the swollen areas of the body to the bladder, hence the leakage of urine occurs because the bladder has been filled with unusually quickly
    - There are some other drugs that contribute to the occurrence of urinary incontinence include sedatives, medications extensor muscles and antihistamines, as well as antidepressants
    - Eating caffeine materials, some drinks such as coffee and cola
    - And also some chocolate foods and their impact throughout the urine can cause bladder problems in some people

     Foods and drinks that irritate the bladder, including:

    - Soft drinks with or without caffeine
    - Milk or dairy products
    - Tea or coffee
    - Medicines containing caffeine
    - Citrus juices
    - tomatoes
    - Products that contain tomatoes
    - Extremely hot foods
    - Sugar
    - Honey
    - Chocolate
    - Artificial sweeteners
    - Corn Syrup
    - Muscle weakness, which the carrier of the bladder
    - The weakness of the bladder itself
    - Urethral sphincter muscle weakness
    - Hyperactivity of the bladder muscles
    - A blockage in the urethra, which may result from an enlarged prostate in men
    - Defect in women's hormones
    - Neurological disorders
    - Restrict movement

    The treatment of urinary incontinence:


    - Physiotherapy for incontinence: by educating patients calisthenics aim to strengthen the pelvic muscles to support the bladder, and found various studies that perform these exercises the right way more than 50% of women who have had recourse has helped some of them

    Medical drug treatment

    - Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence: In difficult cases doctors for surgical procedures and taken many forms over the years, all operations performed under general anesthesia turn some of which are being opened abdomen, including what is being vaginally in complex ways need a long healing time and return to the practice of daily life, as well as check chance of success is not high these processes and walked in the footsteps of evolution until it reached what we have reached in recent times where these processes have given great results, and is considered the best remedy to the problem of urinary incontinence

    Studies and research on urinary incontinence:

    - Medical studies on the disease to exercise and train the bladder are useful in reducing urinary incontinence indicated, it was shown that 80% of the incidence of incontinence, whether genetic or a result of disease or surgery, can be treated and cured. However, the millions of people living feel embarrassed and afraid to go to the doctor and they felt that the possibility of recovery from illness was impossible

    - Modern medical research confirmed the success of a new easy way in the treatment of urinary incontinence in women by 90 percent by using a strip of proline under local anesthetic instead of conducting a major operation. It should be noted that urinary incontinence is a result of stress incident occurs due to a lack of the hormone estrogen, which affects about one-third of women after menopause as a result of the rupture in the muscle of the vagina and vaginal landing occurs this type of incontinence during effortless causing embarrassment and distress to the patient.


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